Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Been awhile...

Well, if you have actually taken the time to read my ramblings...I am sorry! ;)  I did in NO WAY hold out to tell like I wanted.  Kids were told days later, family was told another couple days later, & facebook was told when the t-shirts came in.  I did manage to wait to tell work until I was 11 weeks (almost the safe zone).  Wow I am a terrible news keeper!!

  I went for the first OB appointment and the doctor did an internal ultrasound.  All we saw was a little bean with a beating heart & that was enough for me.  Proof I was carrying a blessing! <3  I went back this week for my second visit and she just did the sonar...but could not find a heartbeat besides mine.  She said it was fine that sometimes this far along (11.5 weeks) it is hard to locate so she is allowing me to come back in 2 weeks & try again (for peace of mind).  I said ok & left...not realizing that as more days pass I do not have peace of mind-but rather get more & more worried.  I have a wonderful network of mamas I have become close with online and they are all very re-assuring as well as offering up prayers for me.  I am sure everything is ok and I am just being my usual Nervous Nelly self.

My Bean

  We picked our boy's name and without even trying it is 6 letters like I wanted!  I passed it up in the baby book & kept reading on...only to realize I wasn't reading on, but rather repeating to myself that name over & over.  Like the girl's name it is not something you hear often, but not so off the wall that they will grow up having a hard time.  Now, however, my mom & mother in law are tag teaming me to change it.  They said I have "plenty of time" and every time I see either one of them I hear how they "heard the perfect name" for us.  Except in my book...if you heard it, it probably is not a name I want.  If you haven't figured it out already...I am kind of high maintenance!  LOL

  Away from the pregnancy talk, I wanted to share a little about my family.  My oldest is 10 and in no way a boys' boy.  He is artsy & into technology/electronics.  He got straight A's all year, except for a 1 B each quarter (in a different subject each time).  The final quarter he did get all A's & was very proud of himself.  It goes without saying, that I was beyond proud.  He gets along great with girls, hates sports & super heroes.  He loves to sing & dance and absolutely adores children/babies.  He used to want to be a male model when he grows up, then a teacher, and now he wants me to open a restaurant so he can go to school for 2 be a chef & to manage the "family business".  He is so much like me that we bump heads A LOT...but I love how much he likes to be an individual.

  My middle child is my "tester".  She has been since day 1!  I like to call her my Girly Tomboy.  She like to have her nails painted, hair "done", cute dress and then go run in the mud!  She is 7 and crazy!  She is the opposite of her brother.  I cannot keep this girl inside.  She loves to be outside all the time & LOVES her sports.  Dance (tumbling is her strong suit), softball, swimming ... you name it & she has pretty much wanted to try it.  She knows who she is and is very self confident.  She is a hard worker too.  If we ask her to pick something up she will do it and pick up stuff around it too...if the mood strikes her.  She started the school year behind coming from private school into public schools.  Sounds backwards I know, but it was true.  She worked hard to catch up to where she was supposed to be, eagerly went to "summer school" to maintain her level & not lose what she learned and managed to get almost perfect scores by advancing even further.  I am so proud of her and all of her accomplishments!

  My youngest is a mere 16 months and cute as can be.  he is at the age he is into EVERYTHING.  he picks up on things so quick that you can say it only once or twice in front of him & he will repeat.  Or learn a whole rhyme within a day (the tune as he cannot say all the words yet).  I am amazed at how well i can communicate with him once I learned what some of his "words" mean to him.  He is the same outside the womb as he was in.  I was telling people his personality before he even appeared to show us he was a he.  When he wants soemthing-he wants it now...not in 10 minutes, now!  He can be the sweetest little man stealing everyone's hearts and in seconds throw the kind of fits that before this I had only seen in the movies!!  There is so much I could write about him since he is the baby that I had better stop while I am ahead!

I am truly sorry to all those I bore with these crazy long posts...but this is really more of a diary for myself that you are peeking at...


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